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Family Preparedness Workbook

Updated: Sep 9, 2021
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The Family Preparedness Workbook was developed to help prepare City of Birmingham residents for a wide range of disasters or emergencies by providing information they need to be self reliant during those situations. Whether the emergency is caused by a natural disaster, technological disaster or an act of terrorism, preparedness is the cornerstone to survival.

In addition, a Family Preparedness video, Shelter-in-place  has been provided. This educational video helps explain why staying put and creating a barrier between yourself and potentially contaminated air outside may help under certain circumstances. This information has been provided to help you assess the current situation.

The book and video is not intended to be a single source of information but rather an overview of recommendations from several organizations and agencies. Regardless of the size or configuration of your family, you will find helpful information in this book. Any questions may be directed to the City of Birmingham Office of Emergency Management/Fire Department at 248.530.1906.