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Responsibilities of the Engineering Department 
The Engineering Department assists the Community Development Department by reviewing building plans for new development projects and providing technical advice about drainage.

The Engineering Department works on many aspects of street, sewer, water, sidewalk and parking construction projects, including planning, designing, estimating costs, writing specifications, supervising, and inspecting. Birmingham has streets that are improved and unimproved. Download an improved vs. unimproved fact sheet that explains the differences between them.  

Follow this link to access our permit applications and project requirements.

Sewer & Water
The Engineering Department is responsible for construction and analysis of the City sewer system. Additionally, they work to improve the water quality of the Rouge River and Quarton Lake; they also work on flood-plain matters and soil erosion. The Engineering Department is also responsible for the operation of the City water system, including interaction with SOCWA (Southeast Oakland Co. Water Authority).

Maps & Records
Another important job for the Engineering Department is maintaining city maps and various records pertaining to streets, sewers and the water system.

The Engineering Department issues permits for sidewalks, drive approaches, curb cuts, soil erosion and sedimentation control, special treatments, street obstructions, storm-water runoff, etc. Utility companies must submit a permit to the Engineering Department prior to construction in public right-of-ways. 

The Engineering Department is located in the Community Development Department, which is located in room #223 on the second floor of the City Hall Building at 151 Martin Street, Birmingham, MI 48009.

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Monday - Friday 
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: 248.530.1850

Melissa Coatta, P.E.
City Engineer